Construction Tools List: Top 11 Tools You Should Have For Construction Works

Construction or buildings have always been part of humanity’s existence. It is a practice that is fundamental to the survival of the human race. We have constructed shelters, roads, bridges, ovens, fireplaces, and drainages—just to name a few. Our lives even up till today have been heavily dependent on construction and still is! Although technological advancement has improved and sped up the systems and processes involved in erecting a  building, there are still some fundamental tools that haven’t changed much over the years. We are going to be taking a look at some of those tools in construction tools list and how they are used.

construction tools list

Construction Tools List: Top 11 Tools You Should Have

1. Jack post

This is a construction tool known by many names such as; acrow prop, jack and shoring, lally column, column and prop, etc. Jack posts are collapsible tubular steel props that consist of two major parts, the primary component of the post, and the jackscrew modifiable fitting on either side of both ends. Both ends are usually fitted with flat metal plates, providing rigid and additional support area. A very recent development to Acrow props was to shape this baseplate with notches, which made room for pallet loads of horizontal props to be stacked neatly, rather than randomly piled.

2. Bolster

This is very similar in looks with a chisel, but has a broader base and is used suitably for the cutting of bricks, because its blade width which is wider than the width of a brick is tapped along the cutting line to produce a furrow.

3. Circular saw

From the name, we can already tell that this a cutting tool, it is similar to the hand saw, but it is used more in places where accurate cutting is required, plus is powered by electricity, which gives it more cutting and precise power for expedient work efficiency.

4. Concrete Mixer

This is a must-have in every construction site, as most of our construction today is heavily dependent on the use of concrete, which is a mixture of cement, sand and aggregate. And to be able to mix all those three materials together successfully, you need a machine to mix it properly—hence the name concrete mixer. The ratio of cement, sand and aggregate, can vary depending on the type of construction you are trying to do and the desired concrete pressure. The most common concrete mix pressure is 3000psi.

5. Drill machine

This is a useful tool when making holes in wood, walls, window frames, doors to accommodate screws or any other type of fitting. It makes use of various types of drill bits to make these holes. The two most common or useful ones are lip-and-spur bits and Forstner bits. There are two main types of drills; power drills and hand-operated drills. The power drills come in two forms; the first being the drills that are connected to a power supply cable, and the second, the drills that are cordless, i.e., they make use of batteries.

Drills that are modified to adapt to screw driving bits are called drill-drivers.

6. End frames

This tool is very similar in usage to the line and pin except that instead of making use of a pin, this tool makes use of frames which is situated at the end of the thread and is used to hold a brick in place during brick layering allowing for an accurately levelled alignment.

7. Head pan

This is a must-have tool, made of metal and usually in the shape of a bowl. It is used primarily for moving cement, concrete mix, excavated soil, etc. from one part of the construction site to another.

8. Scaffold/ladder

A scaffold is a segmented arrangement of metal poles with flat hard boards across them, usually made on the side of the building being constructed in other to allow for plastering, window fixing, painting, etc. It is normally used for tall buildings that are higher than one storey building. Now similar to a scaffold, a ladder can be used in doing the things that a scaffold does, but with a lot more strenuous effort and for shorter buildings.

9. Measuring box

This tool is particularly useful when mixing concrete ratios. Like we talked about earlier concerning concrete mixes, the measuring box comes in handy when trying to ascertain the amount of cement, sand and aggregate in relation to one another. For example, you can decide to mix one measuring box of cement against two measuring boxes of sand and aggregate, respectively.

10. Sand Screen Machine

This is also a machine tied to the mixing of concrete. Before sand or fine aggregate can be mixed with cement to make concrete, adequate care has to be taken to make sure that there are no underlying coarse particles that may affect the proper fusion of the concrete mix. The sand screen machine is used to filter sand and aggregate from impurities that may hinder proper mixing. The sand screen machine is not only useful in terms of a concrete mix but also when plastering. The screening machine is also used in screening very fine sand that is most suitable for plastering work. This is very important, as sands that are not fine, or that does have some particles in them can later lead to cracks on the walls.

11. Scratchers

In construction tools list, scratchers, as the name implies, are used in making scratches on a plastered wall. Might you be wondering—making scratches? I will explain it. When plastering a wall, it is usually done in layers. Usually two! After the coating of the first layer, a scratcher is used to scratch the surface in order to provide a better bond between the first and second coat.

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